There may be some point where you have submitted a loan application but have forgotten what details that you initially entered and want to review that information.
1. On the portal, this is located under the menu option Applications > Manage Applications:
2. Click on the View hyperlink located on the bottom left hand corner of the application:
3. This will open the Application Details screen which outlines specific details like the Reason for the loan application, the Application Number, the Start and Maturity Date, the Bank Account that was used, the Amount that was borrowed, and finally the Rate and the Term of the loan.
4. Click on the orange View Application button on the top right hand corner:
5. This will redirect you to Step 1 of the application process, but it will only display the options that you have already selected NOTE: the application can only be viewed and not edited, as the fields will be greyed out/inaccessible:
6. The steps for an application can be selected by utilising the Step menu option in the top right hand corner and choosing which step or part of the application process you would like to view:
7. This process can be used as a simple reminder of what details were entered when the application was first made and if any specific details need to be altered e.g. address, mobile number, surname, etc this can be done in the Account portal menu.