The Transfer Money In function is used to transfer funds into your investor fund account.
1. Navigate to the Transfer Money In option under the My Funds menu:
2. This will redirect you to the main Transfer Money In screen that displays the Account No and Start Date at the very top:
3. The Source of Funds is a text field that allows you to enter details about what or where the funds are being allocated to (similar to a reference to identify the payment and why it is required):
4. The Amount to transfer in is a numerical field with a 21 character limit, that allows you to input the number (in $) that is going to be transferred in:
5. The Agreements section is confirmation that you agree to what is being disclosed and outlined in the Terms and Conditions. This cannot proceed further if there is no tick in the check box:
If the actual Terms and Conditions link is selected, this will open the Investing Terms and Conditions in a separate window (that can be closed by selecting the cross at the top right hand corner):
6. The section at the bottom outlines what happens when the confirm button is selected (namely that a remittance advice will be created):
7. The

button is what is required to continue and will proceed further with the money transfer.
8. A confirmation prompt will then appear asking if you want to transfer the specified amount into the funds account NOTE : Selecting Yes will proceed further while selecting No will take you back to the Transfer Money In screen:
9. The receipt will be created (and open on screen) for you to review and you can choose to either print or download it:
10. It will then redirect you to the main Transfer Money In screen, but will show the success dialog box at the top, as confirmation that the transfer was completed: