There will be instances where you (as an investor or borrower) will want or need to be notified when a certain action, task, event, etc has or has not occurred. This will ensure that you can monitor the status of specific areas namely applications, bids, customers, finance agreements, general, investment and miscellaneous.
1. Log into the portal with the appropriate account and select the Settings option which is the second tab on the right-hand side:
2. There are two icons where

represents Email and

represents Mobile.
When you hover over the icon for Email, it will display a prompt outlining that by pressing the icon you can toggle between enabling and disabling email notifications:
When you hover over the icon for Mobile, it will also display a prompt outlining that by pressing
the icon you can toggle between enabling and disabling email notifications:
3. When a notification is enabled, it will appear green in colour

but if disabled it will then appear grey in colour

. This can be selected/deselected by simply clicking on the icon.
4. As mentioned above, the areas where notifications can be selected are divided into separate sections and the name of the notification implies what it is used for:
A full list of the notifications that you can configure based on the area of interest is outlined below:
Accepted Loan Offer
Action on Listing on Member Behalf
Application Ready to Assess
Application Status Change
Borrower Confirmed Listing
Borrower Finalised Listing
Confirm Listing - Rate
Confirm Listing - Reminder
Confirm listing on member behalf
Fast Track Listing
Fast Track Listing Notification
Fast Track Listing Status Change
Finalise listing on member behalf
Lender Withdrew Bid
Listing Approved
Listing Declined - Borrower
Listing Extended
Listing Offer Acceptance Reminder
Listing Published
Listing Purchased
Listing Questions And Answers - Borrower Answer
Listing Saved
Listing Saved - Email Address Created
Listing Status Change
Listing Withdrawn - Borrower
Listing Withdrawn - Comparison Rate - Borrower
Listing Withdrawn - Minimum Loan Amount - Borrower
Listing Withdrawn - No Confirmation - Borrower
Loan Arrears Status Change
Publish Reminder
Yodlee Bank Account Retrieval
Accepted Bid
Account in Arrears - Investors
Account Out Of Arrears - Investors
Auto Bid Placed For Lender
Bid Adjusted By Lender
Bid Placed By Lender
Borrower Accepted Bid
Borrower Rejected Bid
Borrower Unaccepted Bid
Expired Listing - Borrower
Expired Listing - Investors
Achievements Earned
Alias Name Changed
AML Verification - Not Completed
Finance Agreement
Account out Of Arrears - Borrower
Account Settled - Borrower
Account Settled - Small Balance
Arrears Interest Reinstated - Borrower
Arrears Interest Suspended - Borrower
Call Confirmation - Borrower
Cancel Automatic Payment
Cancel Direct Debit
Debt Sold
Dishonoured Payment
Loan Status Change
Overpayment Of Account
Payment Arrangement - Borrower
Payment Reminder
PTP Settlement - Borrower
Removal of alert
Report Status Change
System Processing Note
Account Admin - Internal
Add an Alert
Approval - Asset Class
Approval - Customer
Borrower Message to Customer
Borrower Message to Customer and Originator
Borrower Message to Originator
Declined Approval - Asset Class
Declined Approval - Customer
Investor Message to Customer
Investor Message to Customer and Originator
Investor Message to Originator
Task Workflow
Account Settled - Investors
Call Confirmation - Investors
Handed to Agent
Lender New Investment - Full
Lender New Investment - Partial
Listing Declined - Investors
Payment Arrangement - Investors
PTP Settlement - Investors
Write Off Loan
Bid Transferred
Bid Transferred - Receipt
Account in Arrears - Borrower